* One
of the Central Administrations of the Cotton Arbitration & Testing General
Organization that directly follow the chairman and it is one of the advisory administrations.
* As The central Administration suggests the suitable
policies for organizing and training by studying the type of work in the
organization for every administration, and it works on facilitating the work
procedures, characterizing all the functions and rationalizing the employment
according to the actual needs of every place, department and administration.
* In addition, it follows up the functional and training
requirements through advanced methods to improve the level of efficient
performance and economy.
* Developing the organizational structure of
organization and modernizing the job description to keep pace with performance
development of work and cotton activity under the changes that has been
occurred in the cotton market of trade liberalization leading to alleviate the
suffering of workers and dealers with CATGO.
General Administration for Organizing and Training
* Concerned with organizing and facilitating the work
procedures of CATGO and followed by the
following administrations:
a) Administration of Organization and working methods
* Engaged in studying the organizational planning,
preparing studies and researches on the simplification of work procedures in
conjunction with the executive administrations through facilitating work
procedures, models, archives and forms used in work in order to achieve high
efficiency performance, reducing costs, carries out studies on rates
performance, determine the functional decisions, characterize and develop the
functions and the organizational structure to fulfill the work requirements and
to improve performance
b) Administration of function arrangement and labor force
* Concerned with preparing a system for arranging
functions according to the general regulations and instructions and follow up
it's implementation through CATGO's departments
administration makes also re-evaluation according to work requirements, study
the budget's publications and suggest the necessary instructions and guidance
* The administration makes survey and registers CATGO's
employees, determines the needs of the performance centers from employment and
its type and degree in conjunction with the personal affairs department, as
well as studies the need of every department and redistributes labor among
* The administration studies the functional modification
for some of the employees who received higher qualifications during work and
re- employ them according to their qualifications and also according to work
Administration of training
* Concerned with studying the training requirements of
the whole Central Administrations of CATGO provided by the general managers of
the Administrations and the heads of the Central Administrations concerning
training of some staff in order to raise efficiency performance, development of
work and keep pace with modern development of performance and work requirements
whether through enroll employees to specialized and supervisory courses in the
Central Administration of Organization and administration as well as training
on health, occupational safety, fire, extinguish fire, first aid and other specialized