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Sunday 18 Shaʿbān 1446 - 16/02/2025 5:15 AM
Central Administration for Moisture testing

The Central management for moisture testing plays a major role in marketing & trading of cotton, as the moisture regain has significant impact on cotton fiber properties including strength, fineness & elongation.

The international certificate issued by Central Management for moisture Testing is considered essential in all transaction whether for spinning mills or for exportation.

The central management for moisture testing send CATGO's representative to  cotton companies for, drawing sample  according to the international standard ASTM D 1441, where the samples weight ranges from 500-600 gms. Then, the drawn samples are sent to the secret & weighing department.  Afterwards samples are directed from the secret and weighing department to laboratories of moisture testing at CATGO to determine the moisture regain  of commercial varieties upon which the invoice weight is calculated.

The weight of cotton fibers is being adjusted to be in consistency with the moisture regain (8.5%) that provides the most superior spinning properties for yarns according to Milano conference in 1938, which ensures a fair trade between buyer and seller.

The following equation illustrates the calculation of moisture regain in Egyptian varieties.


MR=         wt of sample before drying _ wt of sample after drying

                                ________________________________________ x 100      

                                                 wt of sample after drying                                                

The invoice weight is calculated according to:

 The invoice weight =      net wet x 108.5


                                           moist % + 100 

 Therefore, the moisture regain % is calculated by the "Good Brand" Ovens according to the ASTM D 2495. Recently, CATGO tends to purchase "aqua lab" instruments for upgrading moisture testing laboratories, which is considered highly efficient & precise in calculating the results. Moreover, CATGO is seeking for obtaining the ISO 17025 certification for quality & accreditation of laboratories.

The certificate includes: client's data – date of drawing sample-  date of testing  - lot NO –  cotton variety – client mark  – gross weight – net weight – tare weight – Moisture Regain – invoice weight- date of issuing .


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