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Wednesday 13 Ramaḍān 1446 - 12/03/2025 5:47 AM
Training courses at ICTC for 2022/2023

Ministry of Trade and Industry

Cotton Arbitration and Testing General Organization (CATGO)

Central Administration of Organizing and Training

International Cotton Training Center (ICTC)


*  In line with the country’s policy and its interest in the cotton sector, the Planning and Marketing Administration has the honor to present the training courses held by the International Cotton Training Center (ICTC) at the Central Administration for Organizing and Training of (CATGO), which include all topics that serve the cotton sector, starting from classification through ginning and spinning and weaving.

*   The center also has the honor to present special courses for foreign and short staple cotton varieties that the country has planted recently in (Sharq El Owainat).

*  The training courses of the International Cotton Training Center (ICTC) for the season 2022/2023 are as followed:


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